Callout for Submissions
Our August-September 2020 topic is the "Water!"
Submission Deadline: 11:59pm on Tuesday, September 15th.
In upstate NY we’ve experienced a hot, dry summer. This month let’s plunge into the refreshing coolness of water with your nature images featuring that luscious liquid in any fluid form. Images can be of anything natural in or around the water, as long as water is featured. Please limit submissions to 2 photos per person.
Images can be of anything in and around the water, including:
Any mammal, bird, amphibian or marine invertebrate in or near the water
Water falls
Landscapes featuring lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, oceans, etc.
Water droplets - show off your skills at refraction photography
Wetland or any other water vegetation
Please include the following items with your image(s): Country and location, brief background and/or something unique about the environment photographed, your name and e-mail.
Sponsored by: This blog is sponsored by the Two Rivers Photography Club of Binghamton, NY. Featured photographers will be entered in a drawing to receive a one-year single person membership to the photography club. Photographers that include a natural history writeup will be entered twice into the drawing.
The deadline is 11:59pm, Tuesay, September 15th. Submit either on our Facebook page with the tag #WatermanBlog or send e-mail to Short video clips no longer than 30 seconds will be considered. Further guidelines below.
NHTL #WatermanBlog Reboot
After a year on hiatus, we rebooted our NHTL #WatermanBlog with two exciting new upgrades! The first is a twist in that all image submissions must include a brief natural history writeup about the subject. In keeping with the NHTL theme, we wish to encourage photographers to learn more about the natural history of their subjects. Two to three sentences will suffice. The most exciting aspect of our new blog is sponsorship! See topic below for details.
Blog Submission Guidelines
There are multiple ways to submit. Please keep submissions to no more than two images per person per week. Those images that best illustrate the week’s message will be chosen for the feature. Please submit your image(s), along with your personal or business social media link(s), using one of the following methods:
Ethical Guidelines: Photos of wildlife must meet the ethical guidelines called out here. If we have any reason to believe a wild subject was captive or baited (beyond well-maintained backyard feeders) we will disqualify the image.
New in 2020: Include a short natural history writeup with your post. One to three sentences about your subject in your words.
Send a link to your publicly posted image from a social media account that permits direct shares, like Facebook or Flickr. You can send the link to our Facebook page or e-mail address
Share to our Waterman Facebook page at
E-mail the photo directly to
Share via DropBox to our e-mail address,
Please send questions about any other submission methods, or any other questions about the blog, to our e-mail address.
Be sure to tag your public posts on our Facebook page with #watermanblog.
If an image was captured at a Waterman site, please note the location.
Photos can be captured using any type of equipment but must be submitted in digital format.
Image resolution should be at least 1080 pixels on the long edge.
Sharing your own story behind the image is optional. If your image is included we may quote you in the blog with appropriate credit.
Please don't forget to include a link to your social media account so that our readers can view more of your photography.
Image Copyrights
By submitting images you are certifying that you have ownership of the image copyrights. You will retain the copyright to your images. All images will only be used as indicated herein and will not be used by Waterman or anyone else for any other purpose. Images with unobtrusive, corner copyrights are absolutely fine but no watermarks please. By submitting your images you are confirming that own the copyright for the image.