Our Team. Our Mission.
Our mission is to promote conservation education and environmental literacy. We serve our members, the citizens of the Twin Tiers of New York State and Pennsylvania and all visitors to our wildlife refuge system. Some of the goals of Waterman Center are:
Expand environmental awareness of our visitors.
Provide conservation education programming for all ages, including classes, interpretive exhibits, trailside stations, booklets and signage.
Provide refuges which are quiet and safe for both wildlife and humans.
Provide quality environmental education programs tailored to meet the needs of area classroom teachers and their students.
Function as a regional resource center for environmental and conservation concerns for people and businesses within the community.
Cooperate with other centers and universities in research projects.
Provide the educational component in order to share research information with the public.
Executive Director
Christopher Audette
Board of Directors
Matthew Kisloski President
Vacant Vice-president
Sally Guydosh Secretary
Rex Decker Treasurer
Christopher Rounds Past President
Jerry Michael
Jim Shuler
Dylan Horvath
Gary Diehl
Robert Rodgers
Emily Lovelass
Rich Leise
Steve Majka
Jeff Smith
Diane Wiener
**All items and money donated to WCEC are tax deductible. WCEC is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt private non-profit, membership organization. It is classified under the environmental education division as filed with the Internal Revenue service in 1966.
WCEC is not an affiliate of the County, State or Federal government or its organizations. All funds donated help support continued environmental education programming at Waterman Conservation Education Center and/or benefit facilities improvement.
Cheryl Utter Director of Administration
Michelle Knuepfer Naturalist
Karen Harvey Weekend Receptionist
Marcia Lorraine Bookkeeper
The Waterman Center is a member agency of Tioga County United Way.
Your donation to Waterman Center is tax deductible.
Thank you for your support.