How Does WISE Work?
Porous Paving
Three different types of porous paving products allow water to pass through our parking lot's surface rather than running off into a drain or ditch. Click "Read More" to learn about the different types of porous paving demonstrated by the WISE project.
Planted Detention Bays
During larger precipitation events, our porous parking bays overflow to two detention bays planted with native wetland plants. They offer additional water storage while filtering and slowing any water that escapes.
Green Roof
More than a neglected layer of moss! Green roofs employ carefully selected mixes of plants that can absorb and utilize large amounts of water and counter the heat island affect, all while serving as a carbon sink. Click "Read More" to learn how they work.
Wetland Retention Ponds
On a landscape scale, wetlands serve as filters and overflow basins that safeguard water quality and increase resistance to flooding. Click "Read More" to learn how these concepts are applied within the WISE Project to achieve our 14,000 gallon capacity while cleaning runoff and providing the foundation for an entire ecosystem to be explored!
Trees and Shrubs
In addition to plantings in bays, ponds, and ditches, hundreds of trees and shrubs were planted throughout the project area. They further enhance the stability of the soil and its ability to hold, utilize, and purify water as it moves through the area. Many of these plantings replace wildlife habitat lost when scores of ash trees were removed after being killed by the invasive emerald ash borer beetle.